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1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your PSA in Adobe Premiere Ru?

The amount of steps that were required for this project is planning, researching, creating storyboard, logo, script, tone and length of the video. You also needed a microphone to record your voice over.
2. How does a PSA differ from a traditional advertisement? 

How PSA differs to traditional advertisement is because PSA are meant to be serious about events that are going on around our world and why it shouldn't be ignored, advertisements are there to sell their own products and nothing else.
3. What topic did you create your PSA about? Why is this topic important to you? 

My topic was about Drinking & Driving,  reason why I choose this topic is because teens at my age are already starting to drink, vape, smoke and other wrong doings which leads bad performance behind the wheel. I am still shocked about the news I heard from Seaside High School of junior getting into crash (which I know and has talk to that person since 7-8th grade). It is still scary for me to think about till this day.
4. Based on the learning target, "Understand the component steps and skills required to design, edit, and produce a Public Service Announcements by producing a storyboard, script, audio clips, video clips and other supporting media then combining them in Adobe Premiere Rush`` What level of mastery does your project demonstrate?

To be honest, I rate my overall work a two. The reason why I rate my work a two is because the lack of effort I have put into this project. I expected a lot of things from Adobe Rush and to be honest, I didn't like it. it just seemed another typical mobile editing app but for both platforms, not only that I had issues on trying to use the software (both on Mac and my iPhone) which has REALLY slowed me down and had to use a different editing software (app on my phone) that I was already familiar with and gave me a chance to finish my project but obviously I had to cut the content I was planning to add on my PSA video (which includes voiceover, visual pictures representing the facts and evidence, sense of feeling, the purpose and general topic). Second I didn't like the project we had to make (The PSA) which I do understand that it's teaching us how to use the app but also show us how to make a professional video that we will probably need later in the future, general thoughts about this whole project is that this wasn't it, especially for me...that's how I feel. 




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