Arturo Arellano
Digital Media
My Identity Collage

1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in photoshop.
This project mostly took about using masking selection, clipping masking, erasing, layers, and effects. The significant ones were "blending options" and "transforms" for my project here.
2. Define the terms as they relate to Photoshop: Blend modes, layer masks, and adjustment layers. Give a specific example of how you used each of these in your identity collage.
Blend modes give the ability to merge your image with another, making it look more natural. layer masks are for masking individual or group pictures on a single selected image, which also retains the original image picture if the photoshopper wants to delete the mask tab.
3. How does your college represent your identity? What specific images did you use and what do they represent about you?
Alright, time to explain these weird selected images I have chosen but they all have a meaning for me and what I do. The ring shape in the background represents one of my favorite video games of all time but that's not what it's about, it shows me as an inquisitive person to really know what's really out there beyond our solar system. The star's sky background should be self-explanatory but I really love the stars, the way they are bright and shine at night which is what the setting is here. Now the image of this Japanese street, I really love Japan and its architecture, and aesthetics it's what inspires me to create something cool and unique for personal things. The Mexican flag behind my back is self-explanatory. Now Neptune's planet may seem like an aesthetic or background piece but actually, I love that planet and it represents me as a peaceful person.
4. What was successful in your project? What was unsuccessful and what would you do differently next time to solve this problem?
I believe the success part of this project personally for me was merging the images and making it look like I was on another planet or weird place. The unsuccessful part was probably the inconsistency between the images that represent me and the background.
5. Based on the learning target, "Create a multimedia Collage that is an abstract visual representation of symbols that reveal external appearance as well as internal truths about your identity in relation to society by using Photoshop tools such as blend modes, layer masks, adjustment layers and selection tools. " what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think?
I believe my work here reached minimal work. I rate this score because there weren't sufficient pictures and the reasoning behind these pictures. an average person would look at this more like art than telling them what kind of person this and who they are, in my opinion.